Work Commission Manual

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  1. Cover, Table of Contents, Acknowledgements, Work Commission Members
  2. Introduction
  3. Work Commission Mission Statement
  4. Suggestions for Using the Manual
  1. Section A - Developing a Commission
    1. Overview
    2. Regional Work Commission Chair Job Description
    3. Organizing a Commission
    4. Some Additional Resources
    5. Some Suggested Activities
    6. 1st Page of Sec_s
  2. Section B - Source Material
    1. Overview
    2. Work in the Bible
    3. Early Franciscan Sources on Work
    4. 1978 SFO Rule
    5. Work as Expression of Love
    6. Work in the Writings of Saint Francis
    7. Integrating a Franciscan Spirituality into Leadership in Workplace
    8. To Evangelize American Culture-Fr. Dan McLellan, OFM
    9. The Early Church Fathers on Work
    10. Recent Ecclesial Documents
    11. JPII-Human Work
    12. Labor Day Statement
    13. On Human Work
  3. Section C - Continuing Formation Material
    1. Overview
    2. Returning to the Sources
    3. The Absence of Work from Previous SFO Rules
    4. Why Work is Now Part of the Secular Franciscan Way of Life
    5. The Franciscan Contribution to Our Understanding of Work
    6. Work as Gift Given
    7. Work - Our Sharing in God's On-Going Creative Activity
    8. Work as Sharing in God's Redemptive Activity
    9. Work as Service to the Human Community
    10. A Theology of Work for Changing Times
    11. How a Franciscan Approaches Work and Prayer
    12. How I Discovered the Presence of God on my Job-Sally Haddad
    13. Working My Way Back to You, Lord
    14. Work's Place in the Franciscan Charism and Catholic Tradition
    15. The Work of Building Fraternity
    16. Our Work as a Means of Doing Penance
    17. C-17 through C-26 In the Trenches by Mary Zablocki - Personal reflections on the struggle to unite our work lives and our faith lives by Mary Zablocki, SFO

    18. "Life in the trenches"
    19. "Hey, you never know"
    20. "We have nothing to fear, we need only to trust"
    21. "I have an ancestor, an Irishman from County Clare, who lived in three centuries"
    22. "They Called Her the Baroness"
    23. "I once heard a story about two monks who enjoyed a cigarette now and then"
    24. "What would Jesus do (WWJD)?"
    25. "Simplicity, simple living, slowing down"
    26. "What does it mean to be part of the Franciscan family"
    27. "Ordinary Time"
    28. Spirituality of Work - William Droel and Gregory Pierce
  4. Section D - Work, Evangelization and Social Justice
    1. Overview
    2. Evangelization and Work

    3. Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (Apostolicum Actuositatem), no. 5 & 7, Second Vatican Council, 1965
    4. On Evangelization in the Modern World (Evangelii Nuntiandi), Encyclical of Pope Paul VI, 1975
    5. The Lay Members of Christ's Faithful People (Christefidelis Laici) Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II, 1988.
    6. Finding Identity as a Secular Franciscan Edward Zablocki, SFO, The Cord, November, 1993
    7. Secularity as a Characteristic Element of Secular Franciscan Identity Conclusions of SFO International Fraternity General Chapter Mexico City, Mexico, October, 1993
    8. Work and the Catholic Social Justice Tradition Reflections and excerpts from the Social Encyclicals Terrence McCarthy, Sr., SFO

    9. On the 105th Anniversary of The Condition of Labor (Rerum Novarum)
    10. The Condition of Labor (Rerum Novarum) - Pope Leo XIII
    11. Reconstructing the Social Order - Pope Pius XI
    12. Mother and Teacher - Pope John XXIII
    13. The Transcendent Dignity of the Human Person
    14. Salt, Light and Leaven, National Fraternity Newsletter - U.S.A., 1990. Rev. Geoffrey Bridges, OFM
    15. Social Justice - William Droel and Gregory Pierce
    16. Initiatives for Social Justice

    17. SEE - JUDGE - ACT - A Methodology for Doing Justice
    18. Co-Creating with God the Father Through our Work-Ed Zablocki, SFO
    19. Grace-filled Working
    20. Returning Home to Rest-Ed Zablocki, SFO
  5. Section E - Recent TAU-USA Articles
    1. A Circle, Not a Stairway
    2. What are the working conditions of the person who made the clothes you wear or the items you use to have a comfortable life?
    3. "Community" Questions
    4. Psalm 23 (for the Workplace)
  6. Section F - More Resources
    1. Litany of Work
    2. Slow Me Down Lord
    3. Information to order Work Commission bumper stickers
    4. Work, Prayer, Celebration
  7. Section G - Resources for the Monetarily Unemployed
    1. As Franciscan Christians, Are We Ever Unemployed?
    2. Franciscan Strategy for Living When Unemployed
    3. SFOs and Poverty
    4. Stations of the Cross
    5. Information on novena to find employment
  8. Section H - Bibliography
  9. Section I - Overheads - quotes to use for workshops, newsletters, discussions, etc.